Monday, July 15, 2013


“Believe me, I know what it's like to feel all alone...the worst kind of loneliness in the world is isolation that comes from being misunderstood, it can make people lose their grasp on reality." ― Dan Brown, Inferno

And I wish you also knew this state of isolation. Sadly you don't. Or maybe that's good? But you won't ever be able to get too close. You'll always be on the periphery. I wish I could share more today.

I wish I could tell you more. Why I'm the way I'm. Why I say the things I say. And above all where all that anger and resentment comes from. I wish I could spell it out for you. The damages of the past became the builders of tomorrow's misery.

Someone else did the harm and someone else has to pay for it. How is that ever fair you asked me? And I obviously had no answer. The silence between us is not due to lack of conversation. This silence has my screams in every fold.

I wish you could hear that. I wish you knew. My reality has now become your misery.

I'm now your inferno.  

I'm extremely sorry.

Because I have a lot of unfulfilled wishes.  

Sorry about that...


Anonymous said...

It was a lovely read. All the feelings put perfectly to words. You gotta let it all out somehow, and I think you were pretty successful in it.

Anonymous said...

It was a lovely read. All the feelings put perfectly to words. You gotta let it all out somehow, and I think you were pretty successful in it.

Anonymous said...

oohh intriguing stuff.

Ankur said...

It's sad, feeling this sense of helplessness. It's not fair - it hardly ever is.
As always, poignantly beautiful :)