Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bitter Sweet Release

Here on the old white cotton sheets
Did lie a widow dressed in black
Her present flooded with memories
While love lays peacefully under six feet

In between the unwritten verses of tomorrow
And the cacophonies of unforgettable yester years
In the midst of the silent chaos around her
There lived a widow in deep sorrow

With lingering unsung melodies
Of love, laughter, passion and grief
With dry tears on the cheeks
There lay a widow in ecstasy

The sweet surrender to hurt and aching
Red was found swirling away in her palm
Along with the glass dagger which was next to
The bed on which a widow died in mourning


Soumya said...

I hate the fact that I can so relate to this post :(

AcetylCholine said...

You should post more often.

Amna Siddiqui said...

'In between the unwritten verses of tomorrow
And the cacophonies of unforgettable yester years
In the midst of the silent chaos around her
There lived a widow in deep sorrow'

You evoke such deep emotions and images :)
Keep writing!

Amit Kumar Das said...

POIGNANT.... Keep walking!!!!

Chaudhary said...

Its amazing!

MothSmokeLover said...

Thanks all.